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Special Event $1,030 per class From $1,030 per visit with Special Event pass Purchase required to enroll

Honors Science $80 per class From $60 per visit with Honors Physics (Grades 8-10) *12 Classes* pass No purchase required to enroll

Unavailable No purchase required to enroll

Teaching Assistant No purchase required to enroll

Mock Trial G6-12 $75 per class From $66 per visit with Mock Trial *13 Classes pass No purchase required to enroll

Open Class Free From $0 per visit with Open Class pass No purchase required to enroll

Speech Open Class Free From $0 per visit with Open Class pass No purchase required to enroll

1.5HR Test Prep Private Tutoring Class $235 per class No purchase required to enroll

Test Prep Private

1HR Test Prep Private Tutoring Class $160 per class No purchase required to enroll

Winter / Summer Camps

Academic Summer Camp Onsite From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass Purchase required to enroll

Held Monday-Friday, 9am-2:30pm, for select dates in Summer 2021.

1 Week/ 5 Days Package is $70 OFF with coupon code, now $529 total!

Academic Summer Camp Online $60 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass Purchase required to enroll

Speech Summer Camp G3-5 $100 per class From $72 per visit with Speech Summer Camp pass No purchase required to enroll

Speech Summer Camp G6-12 $100 per class From $72 per visit with Speech Summer Camp pass No purchase required to enroll

English Department

Reading & Writing Learners $80 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass Purchase required to enroll

Critical Reading $85 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass Purchase required to enroll

Academic Writing $85 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass Purchase required to enroll

1 Hr Group Class From $52 per visit with Onsite 1 HR Phonics Learner*10 Classes* pass Purchase required to enroll

History IV (Grades 7 & 8) $60 per class From $60 per visit with History *12 Classes* pass Purchase required to enroll

Wordly Wise 3000 $75 per class From $46 per visit with Online Wordly Wise 3000 Book 1*32 Classes pass Purchase required to enroll

Specialty Group Class $100 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass Purchase required to enroll

Literacy Analysis $100 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass No purchase required to enroll

Integrated Reading&Writing $85 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass Purchase required to enroll

ESL Summer Class $120 per class From $100 per visit with Onsite ESL Summer Class*5 Classes pass No purchase required to enroll

Junior Toefl Group Class $75 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass No purchase required to enroll

Intense Writing with An Intention Workshop II $110 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass No purchase required to enroll

Intense Writing with An Intention Workshop I $110 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass No purchase required to enroll

ESL G2-4 $85 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass No purchase required to enroll

ESL G5-8 $85 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass No purchase required to enroll

Creative Writing G3-5 $75 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass No purchase required to enroll

Creative Writing G6-8 $75 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass No purchase required to enroll

Book Publishing G6-12 $100 per class From $242 per visit with Book Publishing G6-8 pass No purchase required to enroll

Adult English Class Free From $0 per visit with Adult English Class pass No purchase required to enroll

Online Creative Writing A 1-3 $46 per class From $46 per visit with Online Creative Writing A 1-3*10 Classes pass No purchase required to enroll

Creative & Comic Writing $75 per class From $64 per visit with Online Creative Writing B 1-6*12 Classes pass No purchase required to enroll

Leadership Department

Leadership Department Competition Class 2 Hrs $65 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass Purchase required to enroll

Speech / Debate (Leadership Department) $75 per class From $64 per visit with Online 1.5hr Speech/Debate Classes*12 Classes pass Purchase required to enroll

Speech & Debate 2 Hrs 6th-12th (Leadership) From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass Purchase required to enroll

Grade 6-12th Debate Competition L2 Class $150 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass No purchase required to enroll

2.5HR High School team debate G9-12 $125 per class From $112 per visit with Onsite 2.5hr Debate Competition Class *13 Classes* pass No purchase required to enroll

2.5HR High School LD Debate Competition G9-12 $125 per class From $112 per visit with Onsite 2.5hr Debate Competition Class *13 Classes* pass No purchase required to enroll

Math Department

ADVANCED MATH $65 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass Purchase required to enroll

Robotics Department

LITTLE LEGO ENGINEER $65 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass Purchase required to enroll

Coding Class $70 per class From $63 per visit with Coding / Programming *12 Classes* pass Purchase required to enroll

Robotics Programming $90 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass Purchase required to enroll

Science Department

LITTLE EINSTEINS (TK-K) Science $80 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass Purchase required to enroll

MAD EINSTEINS Science $75 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass Purchase required to enroll

Adult Classes

English for Adults $55 per class From $65 per visit with FIRST TIME TRIAL pass Purchase required to enroll

Private Tutoring

1.5 HR HL Private Tutoring Class $225 per class From $195 per visit with 1.5 HR LL Private Tutoring Class x 10 Classes pass Purchase required to enroll

Honor 150 1 HR Private Tutoring Class $150 per class No purchase required to enroll

LL Home Private Tutoring Class $150 per class Purchase required to enroll

iLearn Private School Application $8,000 per class Purchase required to enroll

1 HR LL 1 to 2 Private Tutoring Class $100 per class From $100 per visit with 1 HR LL 1 to 2 Private Tutoring Class X 10 Classes pass

1 HR HL 1 to 2 Private Tutoring Class $100 per class From $90 per visit with 1 HR HL 1 to 2 Private Tutoring Class X 10 Classes pass Purchase required to enroll

30 Mins Private Tutoring iLearn Private School Interview Training $400 per class No purchase required to enroll

2 HR LL Private Tutoring Class $240 per class From $240 per visit with 2 HR LL Private Tutoring Class * 10 Classes pass Purchase required to enroll

1.5 HR LL 1 to 2 Private Tutoring Class $150 per class From $150 per visit with 1.5 HR LL 1 to 2 Private Tutoring Class pass No purchase required to enroll

2 HR HL Private Tutoring Class $300 per class From $300 per visit with 2 HR HL Private Tutoring Class pass No purchase required to enroll

Mock Interview $250 per class From $250 per visit with Mock Interview pass No purchase required to enroll